New Low Guitar String Prices

Who wants to pay more for guitar strings? And who wants to wait longer for those same strings? Now you don’t have to! If you’re looking for low guitar string prices, Murphy’s is the place to be. We’ve lowered our prices on the most popular strings for guitars, banjos, bass, mandolins, and more.

In the past we marked strings at the Manufacturer suggested retail price, and discounted them 30% at the point of sale. Not a bad discount right?

Well, now we’ve marked all of our strings down from that manufacturer suggested price 40%-50% or more on select strings. Now that’s a deal! so let’s look at an example. D’addario’s best selling NYXL guitar strings that used to be marked:

MSRP $21.99



Now D’addario’s NYXL strings go for just $12.99!

All Access Pass Holders

But wait, what happens if I spend the money to get a Murphy’s Guitars All Access Pass? Unfortunately we can no longer offer the 40% discount, but the good news is your strings will now be even less expensive than they were before! All Access Pass holders are now entitled to an additional 10% off our new low string prices!

So let’s take a look at a set of Elixir acoustic guitar strings.

before, All Access Pass holders would get 40% off MSRP:

MSRP $30.00



Not a bad discount, but now let’s take a look at it with your new 10% discount!

New Low Price 17.99



So now, All Access Pass holders can enjoy 40-50% off of MSRP, plus an additional 10% off!

We’ll also be offering additional discounts at select times throughout the year, and eventually rolling out an All Access Pass String of the Month club that will allow you to try a new set of strings each month at an extra discount!

Not too bad right?


For questions, please contact Murphy’s Guitars at:



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